

The Laurel Awards | Gold Award

Model Home Interior Design with a budget of $20.00 or less per sq. ft
Waterfall Manors- the Maylyn Plan for Pacific Communities Builder

The Mame Awards | Silver Award

Best Interior Merchandising $300,000 – $400,000
Waterfall Manor – the Maylyn Plan for Pacific Communities Builder

The Rainbow Award

Project Playhouse for Home Aid
The Gamble House for ETCO Development

The Mame Awards | Grand Award

Affordable Community of the year
Interior Design and Sales Office
Barcelona at Altura for Pacific Communities Builder

The Laurel Awards | Gold Award (TIE)

Best Interior Merchandising attached/detached w/budget over $21.00SF FairOaks Plan
2 for WoodBridge Development

The Laurel Awards | Gold Award (TIE)

Best Interior Merchandising attached/detached w/budget over $21.00SF FairOaks Plan
3 for WoodBridge Development