
Refresh Your Home for a New Year!

Refresh Your Home for a New Year!

Happy New Year! This is the time of year when we think about what we want to do, i.e. New Years resolutions. I am into doing more entertaining this year. So it’s time to update and refresh my home! The holiday decorations are down and I can see that I need to get to work! Here are some of the things I will be doing myself. I invite you to join me.

Stephanie Han Windham’s “Halcyon 1” would
look great above a bed.


Love it? Use it? Need it? Go through your home and start sorting, pitching and storing. It doesn’t have to be a huge overhaul—even organizing your desk can make you feel better. Purging and creating a clean slate generates positive energy.

Breath of Fresh Air
Live plants detoxify and who couldn’t use that after all the holiday partying?

Plan to Entertain
Entertaining more is at the top of my list. Create a decorating or remodeling budget so that you know how much you are comfortable spending—then double it! Everything costs more than you think.

Banish Boudoir (and Bathroom) Blues

Nothing changes a bedroom faster than new linens and new art over the bed. We have some great art by fantastic California artists at Studio Chameleon. Also try a refresh with the bathroom—new towels and mirror will work wonders!

A Fresh Coat
A new coat of paint does wonders to walls. Use one of the new neutrals, smoky grays and taupes. Try accenting walls with deeper shades for a dramatic effect.